How to use the maps

On a computer

Basic functions

On a computer, the maps should behave much in the same way the basic functions of Google maps work. You can Move the map around, and zoom in and out.

Click the icon in the top right of the map area to go to full screen mode.

Location tracking

When first visiting a map page, you might be asked if you want to allow the website to access your location.

  • If you say Yes, an Icon will be put on the map showing your approximate location. In addition, the map will start off at that point, making it easier to find recycling points closer to you.
  • If you say No to accessing your location, the maps all start off around Rotorua, and you will need to move the map to your location manually.

Map markers

Markers are split into 3 categories:

  1. Free recycling locations (Green),
  2. Locations with restrictions (Blue),
  3. Locations that have charges (Red).

Hovering your mouse cursor over a marker will bring up additional information, such as opening hours, website link, what the restrictions are. The information for each marker varies, based on the source information that the marker was based off of.

If you enabled location access, the markers window will also state the distance from your current location (as the crow flies).

On a phone

Use two fingers to scroll the map left/right/up/down.

Two fingers moved in a pinching motion will zoom out, whereas two fingers together that are then moved apart will zoom in.

A single finger is used to select points on the map.