Tag archive for district council


Good chunk of council locations added tonight, Upper Hutt City Council and Waikato, Waimakariri, and Waimate District Councils! Only 7 more councils left before all council facilities for Paper/Cardboard, Metal cans and glass are on recyclemap!

In other news, a links section will be next in the works, with links to each councils respective recycling pages, along with links to all major recycling schemes. Then work will recommence on adding more Op Shops, as this seems to be a very popular category based on user metrics from Google!


Added transfer stations and resource recovery parks for Taupō, Thames-Coromandel & Timaru District Councils, and Tauranga City Council.


Added recycle stations for Stratford, Tararua and Tasman District Councils.

Now at 1793 markers across 9 maps, including 282 Markers for cardboard & paper, 264 for Glass, and 278 for tin cans.


Added South Wairarapa District Council and Southland District Council recycling locations. RecycleMap is now at 1585 location markers across 9 maps!


Happy New Year!

Fixed incorrect markers/categories on the SPCA Op Shops. Also updated the categories for Polystyrene recycling facilities.

Added Spicer Landfill and “Trash Palace” from Porirua to the website.


Added Ōpōtiki and Ōtorohanga District Council map data. Also removed a number of duplicate map markers that had crept in to the database.

Spotted an issue with incorrectly assigned categories for some locations…as in free drop off locations not being identified as free and possibly appearing as having charges. I’m looking in to why this might be as the background data looks no different from the correctly categorised points.


Added location data for Masterton, Matamata-Piako, and New Plymouth District councils and Napier and Nelson City councils.


Added Manawatu and Marlborough District Council locations for transfer stations and rural stations. Now at 1574 markers across 10 maps.


Added location data for Kaikōura, Kaipara, Kāpiti Coast, Kawerau and Mackenzie District Councils.

Now at 1420 map markers across 10 different map categories.


Added data for Hastings, Hauraki and Horowhenua district councils. Now at 1366 map markers across 10 different maps.

6 Rural transfer stations(Tūtira, Poukawa, Pukehamoamoa, Maraekākaho, Waimārama, Waipātiki) not added for Hastings as there are no available addresses to pinpoint accurate locations for them. If you know where they are please let me know!

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